Two advanced features of inserts with Ecto

Article refers to another recently published blog post and talks about two advanced things you can do while inserting records with ecto

  • using ecto queries to get values for specific fields
  • using placeholders to reduce the amount of data passed through the query

Setting up action auditing for a live view application

For some compliance work, we needed a way to log all actions a user makes in our application’s live view admin interface. Looking under the hood of the LiveView __using__ macro, and then in part mimicking and in part extending those approaches, allowed us to do it in very few lines of code.

Creating a Phoenix app with only a browser using GitHub Codespaces

Makes a case for cloud development environments, experiments with using VS Code for the Web and GitHub Codespaces to create a new web app entirely in a browser, and provides an example for Elixir/Phoenix.

What happens when you type a Phoenix URL into your address bar and press “Enter”?

A classic job interview question is: “What happens when you type a URL into your browser’s address bar and hit Enter?”

You could answer with the basics of DNS, networking and HTTP. But what also happens specifically if the page is served by a Phoenix app?

In my latest post I take you on a journey through the Phoenix stack and show you all the steps via which Phoenix transforms a %Plug.Conn{} from a request into a response:

Thinking Elixir 221: From Keynotes to Job Listings

Episode 221 of Thinking Elixir. News includes ElixirConf keynotes appearing on YouTube, updates on ErrorTracker’s latest release, José Valim’s deep dive on ChatGPT UX issues with Phoenix LiveView, Dockyard’s announcement of LVN Go to streamline LiveView Native workshops, and Livebook’s newest notebook navigation features. Plus, Nvidia’s job opening that explicitly mentions Elixir, Alchemy Conf 2025 details, NASA’s development of a Lunar timezone, and more!

All videos from Code BEAM Lite Mexico released!

[Talks in Spanish and English]

Elixir Friends - Peter Ullrich

First episode of the Elixir Friends podcast is out!

I sat down with Peter Ullrich to talk about life, what he’s working on, camera setup (b/c I look like ghost 😅), and even some of his favorite food!

Check it out! 👇


YouTube (thanks to Peter’s suggestion):

And if you just want the raw RSS feed:

Exciting updates to

We’re excited to share the latest updates to, the complete development environment for Elixir and Phoenix.

Most significant changes:

  • removing unnecessary dependencies
  • switching from asdf to mise
  • using existing shell instead of forcing Zsh installation

Elixir Macros Demystified: defmacro and require

In part 3 of my series on Elixir macros, we’ll learn about defining macros using defmacro, handling and returning quoted expressions, and why we need to ‘require’ macros before we can use them.

Elixir Streams |> 🔍 ExUnit 1.17's new flag to find intermittent failures

💜 Loving the ExUnit improvements that came in with Elixir 1.17

mix test –repeat-until-failure N

for those pesky intermittent failures. 👇

🔍 ExUnit 1.17’s new flag to find intermittent failures

Matrjoschka of phoenix communication

I wrote a bit on the layers powering phoenix real time communication capabilities:

Thinking Elixir 220: The EEF Has Your Regulatory Back

Episode 220 of Thinking Elixir. News includes the archiving of the “Phoenix Sync” project, a major update to Gettext that enhances compilation efficiency, the release of ErrorTracker v0.2.6 with new features like error pruning and ignoring, and José Valim highlighting UX issues with ChatGPT’s new UI. We were also joined by Alistair Woodman, a board member of the EEF (Erlang Ecosystem Foundation), who explained the EEF’s recent efforts to stay ahead of legislation and technical regulatory shifts that may impact developers soon. Alistair discussed the changing regulatory landscape in the US and the EU due to high-profile exploits, outages, and nation-state supply chain attacks. We learned how the EEF supports Elixir and BEAM developers and what they need from the community now, and more!

A Complete Guide to Phoenix for Elixir Monitoring with AppSignal

Let’s set up monitoring and error reporting for a Phoenix application using AppSignal:

Code navigation with go to definition of modules and functions inside Livebook

We’ve added new features that will make navigating code easier and more intuitive in Livebook.

  • Outline panel: easily view all your sections and modules defined
  • Go to definition: click to go to definitions of modules and functions

More details in the blog post.

ErrorTracker v0.3.0 has been released

We have just released a new version of ErrorTracker, the Elixir based built-in error tracker. This version adds a few new exciting features:

  • Support for MySQL and MariaDB. ErrorTracker now support all major open source relational database engines (PostgreSQL and SQLite were already supported).
  • Improved error grouping in the Oban integration. Previously errors from different Oban workers could be incorrectly grouped together.
  • Better docs and typespecs. The public API functions are now fully documented.

Take a look at the GitHub repository and the package for the detailed release notes and documentation.

Optimum infrastructure generator for Elixir apps

Setting up your CI/CD pipeline, code checks, and production environment can be simple and efficient using our generator.

Learn how to use it in the blog post:

Thinking Elixir 219: Coming Out of ElixirConf

Episode 219 of Thinking Elixir. News includes a proof of concept for Phoenix Sync by José Valim, exciting new developments in Elixir’s type system,’s open-source Twitch for developers, Sean Moriarity’s insights on the future of Nx, Axon, and Bumblebee, a powerful new feature in Livebook integrating with, and more!

Nerves Online Meetup

September 25. RSVP here:

ErrorTracker v0.2.6 has been released

We have just released a new version of ErrorTracker, the Elixir based built-in error tracker. This version adds a few key improvements:

  • Global error tracking disable flag: error tracking can now be fully disabled for certain environments.
  • Automatic resolved error pruning: errors can be now automatically pruned after they have been resolved for some time.
  • Error ignorer: users can now ignore particular errors based on their attributes and context.

Take a look at the GitHub repository and the package for the detailed release notes and documentation.

Learn Phoenix LiveView (now out of Early Access)

Learn Phoenix LiveView is the comprehensive tutorial that teaches you how to build a realistic, complex, fully-featured LiveView app from scratch.

Sign up today at

(Yes, that domain was available. I couldn’t believe it either.)

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