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ex_check v0.12.0 with improved dependency system and more

New version addresses reported issues and introduces a brand new dependency system that allows to construct more powerful workflows involving your favorite set of code checking tools. It’s now possible to run a specific tool(s) only when tool(s) it depends on succeed or fail, which allows e.g. to:

  • only run heavyweight tools like dialyzer or tests when fast ones pass or run all integration tests when the smoke test suite passes
  • handle failure of specific tool with another one e.g. upload screenshots from failed tests

More info in “Cross-tool dependencies” section of docs

There were also some minor fixes for ExUnit and Dialyzer - check out the changelog for more info.

Quick reminder: ex_check provides the mix check task that allows to efficiently run all code analysis & testing tools in an Elixir project - in a “one command to rule them all” fashion, both locally and on CI.