Elixir ETS/DETS/Mnesia/BEAM vs Redis Entity Component Systems

Elixir Users' Survey 2016

I’ve just launched the Elixir Users’ Survey 2016

I do these every year. Here are 2014 and 2015:

I’d love it if you’d share it around with other elixir users you know :) The more data we have, the more data the core team and the library authors will have.

This isn’t in any way an official thing, but I think I have a decent track record of doing a bunch of work to gather and collate this data and share it with interested parties :)

I also posted this on reddit’s /r/elixir and the orange website if you felt like promoting it there :taco:

plug:https://www.dailydrip.com is my full-time thing now, making elixir and elm screencasts, if that’s your cup’o. I’m also still updating ElixirSips, but with DailyDrip I have full control of the platform and a chance to make this into something bigger.