ElixirMix Podcast 053 - Contexts and DDD with Andrew Hao 4 tips for mastering test-driven development

IntelliJ Elixir 10.6.0

  • Add Linux Mint Erlang and Elixir home paths to SDK home path suggestions. Linux Mint installs to /usr/lib/erlang and /usr/lib/elixir instead of /usr/local/lib/erlang and /usr/local/lib/elixir. This likely helps on other distros too.
  • Fix Evaluate expression in debugger with Elixir 1.8. Elixir 1.8 made :elixir.quoted_to_erl/3 private, so in Elixir 1.8+, the debugger needs to inline the private version to maintain < 1.8 and >= 1.8 compatibility.

Installation Instructions