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CaptainFact.io - Looking for Elixir/Phoenix developers (open source)

The project

CaptainFact is a collaborative, real-time fact checking platform. Its goal is to help us improve the way we consume medias on the Internet by collectively sourcing and debating about the content we see.

Think Wikipedia (sourcing) + StackOverflow (reputation, achievements) applied to our day-to-day information.

The project currently offers two linked tools:

  1. A real-time debate platform that allows us to have rich and focused discussions on a video by working point by point, argument by argument - instead of taking the content as a whole like almost all today’s comment systems do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJrmHU13lWY

  2. A browser extension that is bringing this information directly on the content you’re watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsRkg2hRTiI

In the future we’d like to extends these functionalities to be able to work on news articles (text) as well. For more details about the reasons of the project, its philosophy and its goals, you can check this article.


Though frontend’s and extension’s code are already available on our Github, we’d like to have some volunteer Elixir / Phoenix developers checking the API code before we release it.

There will also be a lot of other stuff to work on in a near future, like:

  • Migrating some parts of our -or maybe the entire- API to GraphQL
  • Implementing a notification system
  • Password-less authentication

You can contact us on Facebook or by email (contact@captainfact.io) if you’re interested in participating!