Building a Digital Goods Shop & Blog in Elixir LDAP authentication with Phoenix

Building a Casino in Elixir

So obviously we can’t build an actual working Casino in a single tutorial. Instead we’re going to focus on building out a supervision tree using the components of Elixir.

First up we need a way to register new players in the casino. Each player should have a name, a balance, and the ability to deposit money and make bets. We will need to supervise the players to keep the register up-to-date as players come and go.

Second we will build out the blackjack tables of the casino. We need a way of automatically generating the initial tables when the casino first opens, but we also need to add and remove tables as the demand fluctuates.

And of course, we need to build this Elixir application to deal with failure. If something goes wrong in one of the branches or leaves of the tree, we should be able to recover without disrupting the rest of the application.