Make your stateful library easier to use Schoolbus - Manage one or more PubSub instances using the Elixir registry

Hades - A wrapper for NMAP written in Elixir


Simple ping scan

The snippet below ping scans the network, and lists the target machine if it responds to ping.

iex> Hades.new_command()
...> |> Hades.add_argument(Hades.Arguments.ScanTechniques.arg_sP())
...> |> Hades.add_target("")
...> |> Hades.scan()
12:19:25.739 [info]  NMAP Output: "Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2020-02-07 12:19 CET\n"

12:19:25.788 [info]  NMAP Output: "Nmap scan report for (\nHost is up (0.00045s latency).\n"

12:19:25.788 [info]  NMAP Output: "Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.06 seconds\n"

12:19:25.789 [info]  Port exit: :exit_status: 0

12:19:25.789 [info]  EXIT

12:19:25.790 [info]  DOWN message from port: #Port<0.14>
  hosts: [
    %{hostname: "", ip: "", ports: []}
  time: %{
    elapsed: 0.06,
    endstr: "Fri Feb  7 12:19:25 2020",
    startstr: "Fri Feb  7 12:19:25 2020",
    unix: 1581074365