Continuous Deployment of a Phoenix app to Heroku via Semaphore Setting Up Continuous Integration for an Elixir Project Using Semaphore

String.Naming :: fuzzy grapheme search by name

Added StringNaming.graphemes/1 function that receives a regular expression and returns the list of matched characters:

iex> StringNaming.graphemes ~r/\Aspace/i
  space_medium_mathematical_space: " ",
  spaces_em_quad: " ",
  spaces_em_space: " ",
  spaces_en_quad: " ",
  spaces_en_space: " ",
  spaces_figure_space: " ",
  spaces_four_per_em_space: " ",
  spaces_hair_space: " ",
  spaces_punctuation_space: " ",
  spaces_six_per_em_space: " ",
  spaces_thin_space: " ",
  spaces_three_per_em_space: " "