Learning Elixir and Phoenix as a frontend developer

My reflections on learning Elixir and Phoenix with a primarily frontend background: https://oliwer.me/posts/learning-elixir-and-phoenix-as-a-frontend-developer/

[Live Webinar] Elixir Security Roadmap: A CTO Level Guide

Wednesday, July 17th I’m hosting a webinar on Elixir security, the content is similar to my ElixirConf EU talk this year, which is not up on YouTube yet, so this is a good way to catch the content + ask questions. Hope you can make it!


Thinking Elixir 210: A Bloom'n Fancy UI

Episode 210 of Thinking Elixir. In this episode, we dive into the launch of Bloom UI with its creator, Chris Gregori. Chris shares his motivations behind Bloom, an opinionated extension of Phoenix core components, aimed at simplifying UI development for Elixir and LiveView projects. We discuss its command-line utility for generating components, current features like avatars and marketing layouts, and potential future directions including expanded components and web component integration. Highlights include Chris’s journey with Elixir, contributions from the community, and a strong emphasis on accessibility. Plus, we cover news on Livebook 0.13.x release, the viral “2 Million Checkboxes” project by Peter Ullrich, Tyler Young’s updated Parameterized Tests, and more!


Track Errors in Phoenix for Elixir with AppSignal

In the first part of this two-part series, we’ll integrate AppSignal into an Elixir application and track errors: https://blog.appsignal.com/2024/07/09/track-errors-in-phoenix-for-elixir-with-appsignal.html

Introduction to Elixir: Key Reasons to Choose This Dynamic Language

Elixir’s unique traits emerge from the harmonious fusion of the power of the Erlang VM, the principles of functional programming, a robust concurrency model, fault tolerance, and a focus on developer satisfaction. Take a look at the detailed analysis of its features and perks along with side-effects in Freshcode’s blog post: https://www.freshcodeit.com/blog/what-is-elixir-and-why-do-you-need-to-use-it

Vintage Cellphone [Nerves Meetup]

VintageCell is an innovative project by Bryan Green that transforms a 1930s era rotary phone into a functional modern cellphone using the Elixir programming language and the Nerves framework.


How to report Postgres custom errors in Ecto Changeset

Capture a Postgres (or any other RDBMS) custom error in the Ecto.Changeset without raising an exception.

This enables you to handle all the errors in one place without braking your aesthetic Elixir functional code with try/rescue constructs.


TypedStructor is a library for defining structs with types effortlessly

This library is a rewritten version of TypedStruct, introduced due to the original project’s lack of active maintenance. It features new functionalities and a revamped plugin interface. Additionally, there are guides available that demonstrate the capabilities of this new interface.

For more information, please visit: https://hexdocs.pm/typed_structor

Livebook 0.13: expose an HTTP API from your notebook

Expose API endpoints directly from your Livebook notebooks with the new Kino.Proxy feature in Livebook 0.13.


New Admin Panel, LiveView Component Kit, and more!

Episode 209 of Thinking Elixir. News includes a neat trick we learned that setup-beam can do for GitHub actions by reading a project’s .tool-versions file, Wojtek’s insight on reducing SDK API surfaces, Ash’s support for UUIDv7, the introduction of the highly customizable Backpex admin panel, a new LiveView component library called SaladUI and its unique ReactJS component conversion feature, Jose Valim’s technique of using AI for testing function names, and more!


Let Your Database Update You with EctoWatch

Learn about EctoWatch, a new library created by Brian Underwood to have PostgreSQL update Elixir applications when records are inserted, updated, or deleted. This pattern could help you create a better separation of concerns for code which needs to happen on database updates.


NervesHub 2.0 Update [Nerves Meetup]

Eric Oestrich, engineering manager at SmartRent, gives an overview of the new features in NervesHub 2.0, with special appearances from Frank and Jon. NervesHub is a web service to manage over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates of Nerves devices in the field. NervesHub 2.0 features significant improvements to meet the evolving needs of the Nerves community.


Discover the Ultimate Resource for Learning Elixir: Masters of Elixir

Hello Elixir Enthusiasts,

I’m excited to introduce you to Masters of Elixir, a comprehensive project dedicated to curating and organizing the best learning resources for Elixir developers at all levels. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your knowledge, Masters of Elixir has something for everyone.

The project includes:

Courses: Both free and paid courses to help you master Elixir and its ecosystem. Books: A curated list of books covering various aspects of Elixir programming. Documentation: Links to official and community documentation for Elixir and related tools. Online Tutorials: Step-by-step guides and tutorials to enhance your learning experience. Podcasts: Stay updated with the latest discussions and insights from the Elixir community. YouTube Channels: Educational videos and tutorials from prominent Elixir developers. Forums: Join the discussion and get your questions answered in popular Elixir forums. Community Events: Information on upcoming Elixir conferences and meetups. Join us on this journey to becoming an Elixir master! Check out the project on GitHub and contribute your favorite resources to help the community grow.

Visit Masters of Elixir and start your learning journey today. https://github.com/jpstudioweb/masters-of-elixir Happy coding!

Business Logic in Elixir - How it works

⚔️ Elixir is fighting an uphill battle for industry adoption, but we have a secret weapon: practical, value-driven system-building tools such as Context. By embracing this concept, we get an organized way to encapsulate related functionality and domain logic, and it enables to: ✔️Promote separation of concerns and a modular architecture. ✔️Isolate core domain rules and operations. ✔️Provide a clear interface for interacting with the business logic. ✔️Facilitate easier testing and maintenance. ✔️Reuse of domain logic across different parts of your application. Check out Freshcode’s latest blog post for a step-by-step guide on implementing contexts in Elixir and supercharging your app’s architecture: https://www.freshcodeit.com/blog/what-about-the-business-logic-in-elixir?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=elixirstatus&utm_campaign=content

Leverage Concurrency Efficiently When Managing Multiple Tasks in Elixir Tracey Onim

Unlock the power of concurrency to boost your productivity without overloading your syste resources. This article explores what concurrency is, how to harness it in Elixir, and how to efficiently manage multiple tasks using the Task module.


Elixir 1.17, Phoenix Playground and more

Episode 208 of Thinking Elixir. This week’s show features the latest releases Elixir 1.17.0 and 1.17.1, bringing improved type inference and a new Duration data type. We’ll also dive into Phoenix Playground’s streamlined approach to single-file applications, José Valim shares another Elixir academic research project taking shape on set-theoretic types for behaviors, and updates from the Igniter project on enhancing code generation and project patching. With a look at how Phoenix and Inertia.js are joining forces and the latest on Nx Scholar’s new version for machine learning, this episode is packed with cutting-edge developments in the Elixir community, and more!


How to integrate Tabler Icons into your Phoenix project

Tabler Icons is one of the most popular icon libraries. This article shows how to integrate the icon library into Phoenix projects. We will track the Tabler Icons source repository using Mix and use the Tailwind CSS plugin feature to create an icon component.


Using AI to Boost Accessibility and SEO

Put AI to work for you and see how it can enhance your website’s accessibility and SEO! We dive deep into leveraging AI tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude to automate the creation of context-aware image descriptions and captions. Learn how AI can simplify bulk processing of images, generating best-practice following alt text, and improve overall web accessibility, making your content more inclusive and discoverable. Find step-by-step guidance, code examples, and the prompts used to integrate these powerful capabilities into your content management system. A thought provoking read for anyone keen on optimizing their digital content!


How to manage and install multiple versions of Erlang/OTP and Elixir via vfox in Windows

banner About a month ago, I wrote an article on how to use the cross-platform version management tool vfox to install and manage multiple Erlang/OTP and Elixir version under Linux system -> Install mutiple Erlang and Elixir with vfox. the demonstration operation system used in the article is Ubuntu 20.04 Linux operation system.

Recently, the latest version of the vfox-erlang and vfox-elixir plugins has supported the installation and management of multiple version of Erlang/OTP and Elixir under Windows platforms. and has passed the End to End test -> Testing.

E2E testing

This article will use the Windows 10 operation system as an example to teach you how to install and manage multiple Erlang/OTP and Elixir version on Windows platforms.

> Get-ComputerInfo
WindowsBuildLabEx                                       : 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250
WindowsCurrentVersion                                   : 6.3
WindowsInstallationType                                 : Client
WindowsProductName                                      : Windows 10 Pro

article link (read more details) -> https://dev.to/yeshan333/amazing-how-to-manage-and-install-multiple-versions-of-erlangotp-and-elixir-via-vfox-in-windows-32bp

Elixir, Phoenix, and the OWASP Top 10

New blog post about Elixir, Phoenix, and the OWASP Top 10. A frequently recommended security guide, the Top 10 is a useful resource for developers. Learn how to use it effectively in your own work!


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