Code navigation with go to definition of modules and functions inside Livebook

We’ve added new features that will make navigating code easier and more intuitive in Livebook.

  • Outline panel: easily view all your sections and modules defined
  • Go to definition: click to go to definitions of modules and functions

More details in the blog post.

ErrorTracker v0.3.0 has been released

We have just released a new version of ErrorTracker, the Elixir based built-in error tracker. This version adds a few new exciting features:

  • Support for MySQL and MariaDB. ErrorTracker now support all major open source relational database engines (PostgreSQL and SQLite were already supported).
  • Improved error grouping in the Oban integration. Previously errors from different Oban workers could be incorrectly grouped together.
  • Better docs and typespecs. The public API functions are now fully documented.

Take a look at the GitHub repository and the package for the detailed release notes and documentation.

Optimum infrastructure generator for Elixir apps

Setting up your CI/CD pipeline, code checks, and production environment can be simple and efficient using our generator.

Learn how to use it in the blog post:

Thinking Elixir 219: Coming Out of ElixirConf

Episode 219 of Thinking Elixir. News includes a proof of concept for Phoenix Sync by José Valim, exciting new developments in Elixir’s type system,’s open-source Twitch for developers, Sean Moriarity’s insights on the future of Nx, Axon, and Bumblebee, a powerful new feature in Livebook integrating with, and more!

Nerves Online Meetup

September 25. RSVP here:

ErrorTracker v0.2.6 has been released

We have just released a new version of ErrorTracker, the Elixir based built-in error tracker. This version adds a few key improvements:

  • Global error tracking disable flag: error tracking can now be fully disabled for certain environments.
  • Automatic resolved error pruning: errors can be now automatically pruned after they have been resolved for some time.
  • Error ignorer: users can now ignore particular errors based on their attributes and context.

Take a look at the GitHub repository and the package for the detailed release notes and documentation.

Learn Phoenix LiveView (now out of Early Access)

Learn Phoenix LiveView is the comprehensive tutorial that teaches you how to build a realistic, complex, fully-featured LiveView app from scratch.

Sign up today at

(Yes, that domain was available. I couldn’t believe it either.)

🎥 Erlang vs Elixir: On the Shoulder of Giants There’s Room for Larger Giants

In this keynote, Francesco Cesarini and Andrea Leopardi explore the symbiotic relationship between the two languages:

🎥 🎥

This talk was recorded at Code BEAM Lite Mexico 2023. If you’re curious about our upcoming event, check

Scaling Your Phoenix App in Elixir with FLAME

Discover the benefits of FLAME and see how it can offload intensive tasks to remote machines:

Thinking Elixir 218: Creating an Opening

Episode 218 of Thinking Elixir. News includes the upcoming signed installers for Livebook and Elixir on Windows, the release of Telemetry v1.3 with improved documentation, LiveView Native 0.3.0’s announcement ahead of ElixirConf, Google Research introducing an alternative SQL syntax with a pipe, a Livebook leveraging LLMs and FFMPEG for media conversion, legal updates on the US non-compete agreements ban, and potential antitrust actions against Google, and more!

Implement the Web Share API in Phoenix LiveView

Learn how to implement the Web Share API in your Phoenix LiveView application. This article will show you how to create a custom Phoenix LiveView hook to seamlessly share content, improve the user experience, and increase engagement.

Strategy and Adapter Patterns in elixir

Just putting some pen to paper in an attempt to communicate what the strategy and adapter patterns might look like in elixir and how they might allow you to design more maintainable systems.

State (Machine) of Enlightenment [Nerves Meetup]

Ben Murphy explores how OTP’s state machine can simplify and outperform GenServer when managing complex systems.


In this episode we dive into Backpex, the customizable admin panel for Phoenix LiveView applications.

Secure Your Gigalixir App with

Guide to deploying a secure Elixir app on Gigalixir with

LocalCluster v2.0: Cleaner API and improved OTP support

LocalCluster is a small library to help in testing distributed states in Elixir with temporary clusters.

The latest release (v2.0.0) now ships with a much cleaner API, while supporting all of the same use cases as v1.x and improving OTP compatibility.

The v2.0.0 will delegate to specific modules based on your active OTP version, so while LocalCluster is still compatible with Elixir v1.7+, developers using the latest versions will make use of more recent tools (such as :peer).

Check it out, I welcome any feedback :)

Thinking Elixir 217: One Language Server to Rule Them All

Episode 217 of Thinking Elixir. News includes the announcement of an official Elixir Language Server team, the release of Oban v2.18.1 featuring automatic transaction retries with backoff, a new macro-inspired video from German Velasco, the upcoming “Elixir Patterns” book by Alex Koutmos and Hugo Baraúna, the forthcoming CodeBEAM Lite conference in NYC, and more!

Code BEAM America 2025: Call for Talks is open 📣


Share your experience with others! Our Programme Committee wants to hear from you.

We’re looking for in-person speakers that will showcase their ideas, experiences and challenges during our next Erlang and Elixir Conference in San Francisco - Code BEAM America 2025.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time presenter, we welcome diverse perspectives and fresh ideas 💡

If you prefer to share your expertise during a training session, check out our Call For Training.

Your voice matters: Exploring European BEAM community survey

Share your BEAM language experiences in the survey. Your insights will shape research for Code BEAM Europe.

Surveys close Sept 29th!

About the talk:

How to implement primitive "Did you mean ...?" functionality in Elixir?

Enhancing user experience involves providing helpful feedback when users make mistakes. One effective way to do this is by suggesting corrections for incorrect input, often phrased as “Did you mean …?” This guide demonstrates how to implement such functionality in Elixir using the Jaro Distance string similarity metric.

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