Elixir Friends - Andrew Ek

Andrew Ek joins me in the 4th episode of Elixir Friends!

I discover his past as poet and professor (and I think we should get his published works), and his present past-time: tennis. We also talk about software consulting being more than just writing code, and we even dive into cognitive load theory!

🎙️ https://elixirfriends.transistor.fm/episodes/friend-4-andrew-ek

ErrorTracker v0.4.0 has been released

ErrorTracker has just reached 10k downloads on hex.pm. To celebrate we have just released a new version with a much requested feature:

  • Support for sanitizing and filtering out sensible information from the context. The error context may include some sensible information and now you can filter it out just before an error is tracked.

Take a look at the GitHub repository and the Hex.pm package for the detailed release notes and documentation.

mix test.interactive: Interactive test runner for ExUnit

mix test.interactive allows you to re-run your tests every time something changes while interactively controlling the arguments passed to mix test. See the recent blog post or check out the library on hex.pm.

Thinking Elixir 224: Language Server Leak and Stream Week Reveals

Episode 224 of Thinking Elixir. News includes the latest release of ElixirLS v0.24.0 and the unveiling of Expert, the upcoming Elixir Language Server. We dive into the details of NervesHub v2.0’s improvements for IoT device management and introduce the exciting Elixir Stream Week with José Valim among other top experts. We also look at the exciting updates in Elixir’s core Machine Learning libraries and more!


Elixir Friends - Tyler Young

Tyler joins me to chat about the pain of marketing, subscription fatigue, buying music, using Cursor, doing house projects, and more!

🎙️ https://elixirfriends.transistor.fm/episodes/friend-3-tyler-young

Elixir Friends - David Bernheisel

David joins me in the second episode of Elixir Friends to chat about life, Elixir podcasts, wordpress drama, creating an RTF Phoenix engine, and more!

🎙️ https://elixirfriends.transistor.fm/episodes/friend-2-david-bernheisel

Two new Elixir-related papers at the 28th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages

I attended the Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, where two papers related to Elixir were presented. One of them, the one about Hok, won the Best Paper award. Congrats to the authors!

Read more at https://dev.to/adolfont/two-new-elixir-related-papers-at-the-28th-brazilian-symposium-on-programming-languages-2c1h

Elixir application configuration

For new devs just jump to Elixir world, configuration is quite confused. I wrote a topic about configuration in Elixir for newbies can understand how it works in basic. Hope it can help you, thanks! https://dev.to/manhvanvu/elixir-configuration-environment-variables-4j1f

Distributed PubSub in Elixir

A writeup on building a distributed PubSub in Elixir. From local-only broadcasts to clustered nodes.


Implementing Quick Sort Algorithm in Elixir

Implemented Quick Sort Algorithm in Elixir, staying in line with Elixir’s functional programming paradigm. Do read. https://www.virinchi.me/portfolios/datastructures-in-elixir/quick-sort/

Packaging an Elixir/Phoenix application with Nix

Check our latest blog article about insights from companies using Nix in production, and a guide on integrating Nix with Elixir apps. https://curiosum.com/blog/packaging-elixir-application-with-nix

Thinking Elixir 223: A Boost for Nx, Lib Updates, and Passion Projects

Episode 223 of Thinking Elixir. News includes José Valim and Chris McCord’s collaboration on AI GPU clusters with Fly.io, Nx being selected for Mozilla’s Builders Accelerator with a $100,000 award, Parker Selbert’s highlights on PostgreSQL 17’s improvements for the Oban project, a major update to the Cachex library, and an extension of the call for talks deadline for Alchemy Conf 2025, and more!


Find and Fix N+1 Queries Using AppSignal for a Phoenix App in Elixir

We’ll dive into how N+1 queries happen, their impact on performance, and some strategies to detect and fix them with AppSignal: https://blog.appsignal.com/2024/10/08/find-and-fix-n-plus-1-queries-using-appsignal-for-a-phoenix-app-in-elixir.html

Merge Sort in Elixir

Implementing Merge Sort in Elixir.

It is the default sorting algorithm used in Elixir List sorting.

Do Read - https://www.virinchi.me/portfolios/datastructures-in-elixir/merge-sort/

Anatomy of Embedded Elixir

Working on the Nerves project, the Embedded framework for Elixir, has given me an increased appreciation for how Frank Hunleth and his collaborators through the years have structured things. And while I’ve found crossing into the Linux-heavy part of it difficult and frustrating there has been reasonable steps to take all the way from building the application layer in Elixir all the way back to fighting the bootloader. I’ll try to detail how a Nerves system is built up in this post.


Implementing Insert Sort in Elixir

Implementing Data Structures and Algorithms in Elixir. First up- Insert Sort. Avoiding the use of for loops and if-else blocks. Only pattern matching and recursion. Do read- https://www.virinchi.me/portfolios/datastructures-in-elixir/insert-sort/

Adding a new icon collection to a Phoenix project

In my post I explain how easy it is to add a new icon collection to your LiveView/Phoenix project:


What happens when you visit a LiveView URL

In my last post I explained how Phoenix responds to an incoming HTTP request by transforming a %Plug.Conn{}.

In the follow-up, I take things further and show you what happens if the request is served by a LiveView.


Code BEAM America 2025: first Keynotes announced!

Chelsea Troy and Saiph Savage are the first speakers for our 2025 Erlang and Elixir Conference. You can join them as part of the Code BEAM America lineup - our Call for Talks is still open!


Thinking Elixir 222: OTP Update and Deprecating Unless

Episode 222 of Thinking Elixir. News includes the release of OTP 27.1 with significant improvements to the Zip module, the upcoming deprecation of the unless keyword in Elixir 1.18, support for Data Channels in Elixir WebRTC, new test-related feature highlighted by ElixirStreams to tackle intermittent failures, a detailed blog from Discord on reducing their websocket traffic by 40%, ElixirConf Lightning talks on YouTube, and more!


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