Mind your own business View Controller (?VC) slides and video. EventBus wiki updated

erlang rocksdb 0.21.0 has been released : https://gitlab.com/barrel-db/erlang-rocksdb

erlang rocksdb 0.21.0 a binding of #rocksdb for #erlang and #elixirlang applications has been released with support of latest rocksdb 5.15.10 and the addition of erlang and bitset merge operators, prefix transform some other enhancement and fixes:

Project Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/barrel-db/erlang-rocksdb

The project is available on hex.pm: https://hex.pm/packages/rocksdb

Any help is appreciated in creating a more native api in elixir over it. Please join us on the ticket https://gitlab.com/barrel-db/erlang-rocksdb/issues/30 to discuss it :)
