[Screencast] Per-user workers with custom queue processing API wrapper for Medium hits v0.2.0!

Ehelper - Access Erlang manpages from the iex shell.

Ehelper creates an iex e command that can be used to access external documentation from iex. It has a pluggable backend that be used to search External documentation and comes with a backend that can parse Erlang man pages into a familiar style. It can also open Dash or hex urls.



iex(4)> e :binary.split/3

                :binary.split(subject, pattern, options)

 split(Subject, Pattern, Options) -> Parts


  Subject = binary()

  Pattern = binary() | [binary()] | cp()

  Options = [Option]

  Option = {scope, part()} | trim | global | trim_all

  Parts = [binary()]

  Splits Subject into a list of binaries based on Pattern. If option global is
  not specified, only the first occurrence of Pattern in Subject gives rise to a