Drag-and-Drop with Phoenix LiveView Thinking Elixir 213: Can Mnesia remember using CRDTs?

ErrorTracker: an Elixir-based built-in error tracking

Announcing ErrorTracker, an Elixir-based built-in error tracking solution.


  • Basic, free, built-in error tracking solution. Tracking errors in your application should be a requirement for almost any project and it helps to improve quality and maintenance.
  • Easy to set up. Includes plug-and-play integrations that work automatically such as:
    • Plug integration
    • Phoenix integration
    • Oban integration
  • Minimalistic. You just need a relational database to store errors. It can be your application’s database or a separate one.
  • Web UI. Includes a LiveView dashboard that allows you to search, manage and resolve recorded errors.
  • Extra context. Recorded errors include additional context such as the request path or the LiveView event for the Phoenix integration and the job ID and parameters for the Oban integration. You can also add your additional context.

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