Exogiri 0.3.0
Today is the first major (usable) release of Exogiri.
I got tired of not having access to the awesome power of Ruby’s Nokogiri in Elixir, so I ported it. It’s also my first major C project in a while, and my first NIF. So if you’re looking for a project to rip a new one - I encourage you to dig on in.
Currently accepting feedback on:
- Unimplemented minimum viable project features (stuff that would prevent you from even using the library)
- Features from libxml2 I forgot to document as unfinished
- Possible memory leaks
- Gotchas with NIFs I just plain missed
- There are platforms the extension doesn’t build on
- Dude that just isn’t how you do things in C
Grab it here: https://hex.pm/packages/exogiri
Let know where I might have biffed it here: https://github.com/TreyE/exogiri