Quick migration from LEEx to HEEx How To Build a [Counter with Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView and Tailwind CSS] | No Javascript

ThinkingElixir 086: SavvyCal and Indie SaaS with Derrick Reimer

In episode 86 of Thinking Elixir, we talk with Derrick Reimer about his product SavvyCal. He used Elixir as a solo dev to create a service that can take on an 800lb gorilla like Calendly. He shares what competitive advantages he feels he has both from Elixir but also in being more nimble. We also talk about creating a company as an independent, solo developer and how that can work. Derrick shares some tips and resources that were helpful for him on his journey. We feel the PETAL stack positions Elixir developers well for optionally taking that Indie path if desired. Check it out! Lots of nuggets here!
