Phoenix and the Frontend WebSockex 0.1.3

calcinator 3.0.0

Bug fixes for error handling and testing support led to incompatible changes in behaviours, but use generated code is updated as well, so no changes if you only use Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.


  • Can now return (and is preferred to return instead of a timeout exit) {:error, :timeout} from all Calcinator.Resources action @callbacks.
  • When structs are deleted directly instead of changesets, there’s no way to add constraints, such as no_assoc_constraint or assoc_constraint that would transform DB errors into validation errors, so Calcinator.delete/3 generate a changeset from Calcinator.Resources.changeset(struct, %{})
  • Make the Alembic.Document.t and Alembic.Error.t that Calcinator.Controller.Error uses internally available in Calcinator.Alembic.Document and Calcinator.Alembic.Error, respectively, so they can be reused in overrides and retort.
  • Pass :meta through Calcinator.Retort.query_options, which allows pass through of meta like from Calcinator.Meta.Beam, which is necessary for indirect callbacks through RPC calls for retort.
  • Move Calcinator.Meta.Beam key to module attribute to prevent typos.
  • Calcinator.Meta.beam.put_new_lazy allows beam information to only be set in meta if its not already there to allow for loops between Calcinator servers.

Bug Fixes

  • The Calcinator actions @spec and @doc include (hopefully) all the errors they can return now
    • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed}
    • {:error, :sandbox_token_missing}
    • {:error, :timeout}
  • Ensure Calcinator.Controller actions have case clauses for all the declared return types from Calcinator calls.
  • get_related_resources could not handle has_many related resources, specifically
    • Calcinator.JaSerializer.PhoenixView.get_related_resource/3 would not allow data to be a list.
    • Calcinator.RelatedView.render with data assumes the data was singular and “links” could be added to that “data” map.
    • Calcinator.authorized did not allow the unfiltered data to be list.
  • Fix source assigns for get_related_resource example: example still used pre-open-sourcing association and id_key.
  • Fix show_relationship example that was just wrong. The same assigns as get_related_resource should be used. Since at first I couldn’t figure out why showing a relationship would need a view module and I wrote the code, I added a note explaining its for the view_module.type/0 callback since relationships are resource identifiers with id and type.
  • assumed that [:related][:resource] was nil or a map, which didn’t handle the list for has_many relationships.

Incompatible Changes

  • Calcinator.Resources.allow_sandbox_access/1 must now return :ok | {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed}. The previous {:already, :allowed | :owner} maps to :ok while :not_found maps to {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed}.
  • If you previously had total coverage for all return types from Calcinator actions, they now also return {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} and {:error, :timeout}. Previously, instead of {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed}, :not_found may been returned, but that was a bug that leaked an implementation detail from how DBConnection.Ownership works, so it was removed.
  • Calcinator.delete deletes a changeset instead of a resource struct
    • Calcinator.Resources.delete/1 must expect an Ecto.Changeset.tinstead of a resource struct
    • use Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo generates delete/1 that expects an Ecto.Changeset.t and calls Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.delete/2, which now expects a changeset instead of resource struct as the second argument.
  • :meta is now a required key in Calcinator.Resources.query_options.
  • Calcinator.Resources.delete/2 must now accept both the Ecto.Changeset.t with any constraints and the Calcinator.Resources.query_options, so that the new meta key can be used to continue propagating the Calcinator.Meta.Beam from the original caller in a chain of calls.
