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How to install mutiple Erlang/OTP and Elixir versions with vfox

vfox (version-fox) is a popular general version management tool write in Go, and the plug-in mechanism uses Lua to achieve extensibility. At present, vfox has supported the management of most mainstream programming language versions, and the ecosystem is quite strong. Here you can see the programming language versions and tools that vfox currently supports and manages -> vfox-Available Plugins.

The Elixir and Erlang communities have long been popular for installing and managing multi-version environments through asdf. asdf is also a general-purpose version management tool, and the ecosystem is so rich.

vfox is very similar to asdf-vm in that it uses .tool-versions file to manage project-level and global version information. This means that if you’ve used asdf before, it won’t be difficult to switch to vfox. Because the core implementations of vfox and vfox are a bit different, vfox executes nearly 5 times faster than ASDF~, and the official documentation also gives benchmark results: version-fox Comparison with asdf-vm


If you’ve been using asdf to manage and maintain multiple versions of Erlang and Elixir, then vfox is also a good choice for you.

This article will show you how to install and manage multiple versions of Erlang and Elixir via vfox.

learn more detail: https://dev.to/yeshan333/install-mutiple-erlang-and-elixir-with-vfox-57ii