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Elixir Web Console is launched

We are happy to announce the release of the Elixir Web Console! 🎉

This website is a place where people can try the Elixir language without the need to leave the browser or installing it on their computers. We hope this is a contribution to the effort to promote the language, providing a convenient way to assess the capabilities of this technology.

This is just the beginning of the journey. We are aware that only a portion of the language is available in this online console at the moment, but we plan to extend its capabilities.

In addition, we hope to keep adding more features to have a UI experience similar to iex. In particular, we are lacking a way to write multiline Elixir code, but we expect to address it shortly.

You can read more about this project and all the security concerns about it (I bet you are thinking about that, after all, running foreign Elixir code in a server is kind of crazy!) in the Readme of the project.

Here is the site: https://elixirconsole.wyeworks.com/