Building the Brex Accounting API In Elixir Wolf, Goat, Cabbage… and Elixir

IntelliJ Elixir v11.8.0



  • Quick documentation (F1/Ctrl+Q)
  • Run Icons in gutter next to ExUnit tests. The icon changes to the state of the test: green for passing and red for failing.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Unchecking Show Method Separator still showing on @doc and @spec.

    Previously, unchecking Show Method Separator would still show the method separator if it was the module attributes (such as @doc and @spec) associated with the call definition (def, defp, defmacro, or defmacrop) and only disabled the ones directly above the call definition. This is fixed by checking if method separators are enabled in getLineMarkerInfo(PsiElement) instead of the specialized getLineMarkerInfo(Call), so that the check happens for both module attributes and call definitions.

  • Remove “Unresolved module attribute” error annotation because module attributes cannot be resolved through use yet, so current annotation is a false positive in those cases.

  • Use SimpleTemplateLanguageFormattingModelBuilder for EEx files, so that the TemplateDataLanguage (i.e. html when the extension is .html.eex) formatter is used instead of the Elixir formatter.

Installation Instructions