Elixir Meetup #4 ▶ hosted by Curiosum ▶ Michael Lubas & Bartosz Górka if !Enum.member?(satisfied_employees, you), do: you.read()

IntellIJ Elixir v12.2.1



Bug Fixes

  • #2579 - @KronicDeth

    • Don’t call .navigationElement to prevent unnecessary decompilation when resolving references or showing completions.
      • Don’t call navigationElement in ChooseByNameContributor
      • Don’t decompile Protocols to get their specific t type
      • Don’t call .navigationElement when resolving built-in types in :erlang
      • Don’t use navigationElement in CallDefinitionClause.implicitImports for Kernel and KernelSpecial.Forms.
      • Don’t call .navigationElement in reference.resolver.Module.multiResolveProject Prevents decompiling modules when doing completion.
      Handle PsiCompiledElement in places that previously only handled source and decompiled Calls
      • getElementDescription for ModuleImpl
      • Complete call definition under binary modules
      • Don’t look for variables in compiled elements
      • Don’t assume elements have a non-null node Decompiled elements don’t
      • Index TypeDefinitions in .beam files Only supported built-in types faked in :erlang for now
      • Walk ModuleImpl for scope.Type

Installation Instructions