Juice - Reduce in memory data structures using a lightweight query language
Juice can collect and reject string or atom keys from an Elixir Map or List.
Given the map
iex> fruit_basket = %{
apples: {
granny_smith: 10,
golden_delicious: 3
"oranges" => 5,
plums: 6,
"mangos" => 2,
recipients: [:steph, "michael", :lebron, "charles"]
Return everything with a wildcard *
iex> Juice.squeeze(fruit_basket, "*") == %{
apples: {
granny_smith: 10,
golden_delicious: 3
"oranges" => 5,
plums: 6,
"mangos" => 2,
recipients: [:steph, "michael", :lebron, "charles"]
Remove plums
and mangos
iex> Juice.squeeze(fruit_basket, "* -plums -mangos") == %{
apples: {
granny_smith: 10,
golden_delicious: 3
"oranges" => 5,
recipients: [:steph, "michael", :lebron, "charles"]
Only collect granny_smith
and oranges
with nested .
iex> Juice.squeeze(fruit_basket, "apples.granny_smith oranges") == %{
apples: {
granny_smith: 10,
"oranges" => 5
Collect plums
and mangos
for charles
iex> Juice.squeeze(fruit_basket, "plums mangos recipients.charles") == %{
plums: 6,
"mangos" => 2,
recipients: ["charles"]
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