The Lazy Programmer's Intro to LiveView Part 10: Listing matches for users

This time we are going to do a little bit of frontend and at the same time learn a bit more about Ecto and LiveView streams. Our goal is to make the user page list all their matches.

Maintaining GitHub Actions workflows

CI pipelines in GitHub Actions can get pretty complex with workflow files containing a lot of duplicated YAML code.

Learn how we deal with that in our latest blog post:

Maintaining GitHub Actions workflows

An interview with Carlo Gilmar at Code BEAM America 2022

I went to Code BEAM America 2022 and interviewed Carlo Gilmar, the creator of many graphic recordings which are loved by the BEAM community.

Seamless navigation between React SPA and Phoenix LiveView

Example of extending a single page application with Phoenix LiveView, it mostly works!

Network optimization (4x WS message size reduction) for sending lot of data from LiveView to client using push_event

Resize Image Uploads with Phoenix LiveView

Anders Björkland (@abjorkland) takes us through the process of resizing images before upload using Liveview Hooks.

Deploying Phoenix app with mix releases

Say hello to an efficient process that gets your app from code to production swiftly.

Introducing PhoenixTest

PhoenixTest provides a unified way of writing feature tests – regardless of whether you’re testing LiveView pages or static pages.

It also handles navigation between LiveView and static pages seamlessly. So, you don’t have to worry about what type of page you’re visiting or navigating to.

📚 Hex docs

✍️ Introducing PhoenixTest

What is GenStage and How to use GenStage to Consumer Twitter API Forever

Learn how to use GenStage to consume Twitter API and process the tweets in a flow of data processing. In this guide we will dive a little deep into how to do consume a and process tweets using GenStage.

Build a Wordle clone with LiveView

I’ve published a new tutorial where we build a clone of the popular word guessing game, Wordle with Phoenix LiveView.

Thinking Elixir News 187

Episode 187 of Thinking Elixir. In this episode, we celebrate the incredible ten-year journey of the Phoenix framework, marvel at the new interactive language tour by Gleam, explore the latest features of ElixirLS v0.19.0 designed to enhance the developer experience, and delve into Erlang’s big leap towards adopting ExDoc for its documentation. Stay tuned for these exciting developments in the Elixir ecosystem and more!

Elixir Streams |> Easy, Concurrent Temp Dirs with ExUnit ✅

Easy, Concurrent Temp Dirs with ExUnit ✅

Sometimes we need a temp directory in tests.

Our first inclination might be to reach for System.tmp_dir!/0. And that works, but ExUnit has a really nice helper just for us.

Check it out!

🎥 Elixir Streams |> Easy, Concurrent Temp Dirs with ExUnit ✅

Phoenix framework - the world's most loved web framework based on Elixir

Phoenix framework constantly ranks as the most loved web framework in the world in Stack Overflow annual survey.

My ambition with this article is to explain why it became the top pick in web development, as well as why developers and decision-makers who are still considering using this technology should try it out.

One Billion Record Challenge in Elixir - faster

1BRC again. With some optimizations, I am able to process 1bn lines (using 10k different cities) on a 16 vcpu cloud machine in ~40 seconds using pure Elixir w/o dependencies (288 LoC)! As a comparison, on the same machine, a solution using Explorer.DataFrame’s would give me a runtime of ~20 seconds. Not too bad for pure Elixir!

Product Management SaaS

Hello, I’ve been working on something for about a year and a half. I was fed up with Jira and other software in that category so I made my own with LiveView/Elixir. There is a free mode for one hour, but it can be restarted as much as you want.

Give it a look and let me know what you think! I made a coupon code in case anyone is interested past the free trial: ELIXIRSTATUS2024 It gives -25% for the first 3 months.

Making Phoenix LiveView Sing!

Sound effects are frequently used in games and media to make the experience more believable, and tangible. Sound effects also communicate information and can make an experience much more immersive. Phoenix LiveView is already highly responsive and dramatically simplifies the developer experience of creating real-time web applications. What would it be like to add sound effects to a LiveView page? This post and demo project covers how to do it and why it’s worth considering for your application. LiveView was already awesome, now let’s make it really sing!

The Elixir Book Club has chosen our next book!

📘👨‍💻💜 The Elixir Book Club has chosen our next book!

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans

Our next meeting is Sunday, February 11th, and we will discuss chapters 1, 2, and 3.

Join our Discord to participate!

Thinking Elixir News 186

Episode 186 of Thinking Elixir. In today’s episode, we peek into Elixir’s impact on operational costs and developer experience, highlighted by Amplified’s move to Elixir and insights from José Valim. Learn about the latest community discussions, including a tip for Elixir package maintainers. Plus, there’s a buzz about the upcoming NervesConf US. Join us for these stories and more!

From Next.js to Rails then Elixir: My journey through React.js burnout

After getting burned out by the React.js ecosystem, I tried multiple languages and frameworks, but ultimately, I decided to stick with Elixir and Phoenix.

Elixir Strams |> ⚡️ Quick Access to Repo Config

Sometimes you want to find out information about your Repo configuration.

You can dive into the config files and ENV variables to sort out what’s being used… or you can take the easier path!

👉 Elixir Strams |> ⚡️ Quick Access to Repo Config 👀

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