Adding a new icon collection to a Phoenix project

In my post I explain how easy it is to add a new icon collection to your LiveView/Phoenix project:

What happens when you visit a LiveView URL

In my last post I explained how Phoenix responds to an incoming HTTP request by transforming a %Plug.Conn{}.

In the follow-up, I take things further and show you what happens if the request is served by a LiveView.

Code BEAM America 2025: first Keynotes announced!

Chelsea Troy and Saiph Savage are the first speakers for our 2025 Erlang and Elixir Conference. You can join them as part of the Code BEAM America lineup - our Call for Talks is still open!

Thinking Elixir 222: OTP Update and Deprecating Unless

Episode 222 of Thinking Elixir. News includes the release of OTP 27.1 with significant improvements to the Zip module, the upcoming deprecation of the unless keyword in Elixir 1.18, support for Data Channels in Elixir WebRTC, new test-related feature highlighted by ElixirStreams to tackle intermittent failures, a detailed blog from Discord on reducing their websocket traffic by 40%, ElixirConf Lightning talks on YouTube, and more!

Getting started with Elixir: A comprehensive learning path

This learning path is like a friendly tour through Elixir’s core ideas, with lots of resources and tips along the way.

Getting Started with Ash Framework in Elixir

We’re starting our journey with Ash and sharing what we learn.

Nerves on the Spotify Car Thing [Nerves Meetup]

Join Eric Rauer for an in-depth look at porting Nerves to the Spotify Car Thing, highlighting the unique challenges of porting Nerves to consumer hardware. This talk explores the steps to get the device up and running, as well as approaches that can be used when creating new Nerves Systems.

Personal Elixir Code Aesthetics

✏️ With my side project Flick hitting an MVP milestone and inspired by some conversations during Elixir Book Club, I thought I’d take a moment to document some code aesthetic choices I made in this project. #MyElixirStatus

Cachex v4.0: Optimization, Consolidation & Routing

I have just released the newest major version of Cachex, a caching library for Elixir (see the announcement post).

This releases includes several cool new internal designs and a long list of optimizations and improvements!

Feel free to check it out and let me know your thoughts!

Apply for free Student Tickets to Code BEAM Europe

Thanks to EEF, Code BEAM Europe has a Student Programme offering free virtual tickets to the Erlang and Elixir Conference. 🧑‍🎓

Including young people in the conversation is crucial for keeping our community vibrant and growing 💜 Apply today or share the message with your network so it reaches people who can benefit the most from the Programme

Two advanced features of inserts with Ecto

Article refers to another recently published blog post and talks about two advanced things you can do while inserting records with ecto

  • using ecto queries to get values for specific fields
  • using placeholders to reduce the amount of data passed through the query

Setting up action auditing for a live view application

For some compliance work, we needed a way to log all actions a user makes in our application’s live view admin interface. Looking under the hood of the LiveView __using__ macro, and then in part mimicking and in part extending those approaches, allowed us to do it in very few lines of code.

Creating a Phoenix app with only a browser using GitHub Codespaces

Makes a case for cloud development environments, experiments with using VS Code for the Web and GitHub Codespaces to create a new web app entirely in a browser, and provides an example for Elixir/Phoenix.

What happens when you type a Phoenix URL into your address bar and press “Enter”?

A classic job interview question is: “What happens when you type a URL into your browser’s address bar and hit Enter?”

You could answer with the basics of DNS, networking and HTTP. But what also happens specifically if the page is served by a Phoenix app?

In my latest post I take you on a journey through the Phoenix stack and show you all the steps via which Phoenix transforms a %Plug.Conn{} from a request into a response:

Thinking Elixir 221: From Keynotes to Job Listings

Episode 221 of Thinking Elixir. News includes ElixirConf keynotes appearing on YouTube, updates on ErrorTracker’s latest release, José Valim’s deep dive on ChatGPT UX issues with Phoenix LiveView, Dockyard’s announcement of LVN Go to streamline LiveView Native workshops, and Livebook’s newest notebook navigation features. Plus, Nvidia’s job opening that explicitly mentions Elixir, Alchemy Conf 2025 details, NASA’s development of a Lunar timezone, and more!

All videos from Code BEAM Lite Mexico released!

[Talks in Spanish and English]

Elixir Friends - Peter Ullrich

First episode of the Elixir Friends podcast is out!

I sat down with Peter Ullrich to talk about life, what he’s working on, camera setup (b/c I look like ghost 😅), and even some of his favorite food!

Check it out! 👇


YouTube (thanks to Peter’s suggestion):

And if you just want the raw RSS feed:

Exciting updates to

We’re excited to share the latest updates to, the complete development environment for Elixir and Phoenix.

Most significant changes:

  • removing unnecessary dependencies
  • switching from asdf to mise
  • using existing shell instead of forcing Zsh installation

Elixir Macros Demystified: defmacro and require

In part 3 of my series on Elixir macros, we’ll learn about defining macros using defmacro, handling and returning quoted expressions, and why we need to ‘require’ macros before we can use them.

Elixir Streams |> 🔍 ExUnit 1.17's new flag to find intermittent failures

💜 Loving the ExUnit improvements that came in with Elixir 1.17

mix test –repeat-until-failure N

for those pesky intermittent failures. 👇

🔍 ExUnit 1.17’s new flag to find intermittent failures

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